If you do not have yet any hosting possibility, or if your current hosting is not compatible with Galette.

  • no limit on number of member or contributions,
  • instances will be updated quickly after a new release - with your agreement,
  • use your own subdomain, or a galette.eu one will be provided,
  • early fix of bugs that affects your instance (no need to wait a new release),
  • any official plugin will be installed on demand,
  • non official plugins may be installed, after a review.

What’s included?

About the Galette version:

  • each new instance will be based on latest stable release (including plugins),
  • instance will be upgraded as soon as possible after each minor release; depending on everyone agenda,
  • major version update will occurs in a delay of 3 months after the release; depending on everyone agenda as well.


Pricing only depends on duration:

  • you can choose a monthly hosting (with a minimum initial subscription of 6 months) for €10 a month;
  • you can choose a full year subscription, for €100 a year.